Ask Questions Before Giving an Answer

Our Response team is trained to take time to understand why a question is being asked and to discover underlying needs. It’s so exciting because within minutes, through a private chat, it is not only possible to build a connection with people but to engage in deep, meaningful, and life-changing conversations.  We aim for our Response team to be skilled enough to engage in a conversation where no subject is out of bounds, and where the Explorer can know that they can share anything without judgement, or feeling pressured or coerced.

People need to know God exists and loves them. Many of our audience don’t know that. There is often the perception that God hates them and is against them.

Asking the right questions and gently guiding conversations creates the opportunity to invite the Explorers to contemplate faith-related concepts and the hope found in Jesus. It’s our desire to see people happy and thriving.  We believe we were created in the image of God to live an awesome life. We accept that this life isn’t without its challenges, but through prayer and a loving connection, challenges can be resolved, and life can have meaning and purpose. Everyone has value and we recognise the potential in each person to live the life they were created to live. A life not of struggle but abundance.

It can be tempting to provide answers, and it takes patience and effort to engage, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. In the experience of our team: “Christianese doesn’t cut it! You must relate to people on their terms and never take offence!”

Have you considered joining our response team?


Do You Doubt Your Abilities or Pull Back Because You Don’t Feel Worthy of the Task?


Do You Pay Forward the Encouragement That Inspires You to Hope?