Chatbots Can Be Better at Introducing People to Jesus

Christians can often be slow in presenting a clear invitation for people to make a commitment to follow Jesus. There is a tendency to get distracted by the topics that people talk about or by responding in complicated ways to questions being asked, which can deviate away from presenting an invitation for people to make a commitment. Unlike humans, chatbots are not distracted by human complications

A chatbot can communicate a clear message and pathway to lead people to Jesus. During the period from November 2017 to August 2020, our chatbot was instrumental in leading 56% of all our recorded salvations into the decision to follow Jesus, without the intervention of a human. It also has the benefit of being able to lead people to Christ during the night while humans sleep.

While a chatbot can be instrumental in leading someone to Jesus, the likelihood of that person being connected into a local church is significantly reduced. Of the chatbot-led decisions, 12% were connected by our team to a local church, 40% were already in a church, while 48% were unaccounted for or opted to find a church themselves.

Results show that if a human leads someone in a decision to follow Jesus, that person is four times more likely to be connected to a local church. 50% of the human-led decisions were connected by our team to a church, and 26% were already in a church, leaving 24% unaccounted for or opting to connect to a church themselves.


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