Connecting Explorers Post Chat

There will be times where we have long discussions with explorers who are wanting relational community and are keen to know more about God. For those explorers and also those that are new to faith, it may be that they are ready to be connected to church or other forms of Christian community. When this happens we contact churches or groups in the same area as the explorer and work closely with them to ensure that the explorer has a smooth and personable introduction. For many people it is a daunting experience to go to church for the first time and by already forming a connection with someone there, it can help to remove a barrier.

As soon as the connection has been made we begin to back away from continuing the chat to allow the explorer to focus on building connections with their new community.

Depending on the individual, the explorer may prefer an alternative connection to church. We also regularly connect people to Alpha, which has virtual and face to face options that can logistically work better for some people. If a more personable, nurturing space is needed for the explorer, we want to build a network of people in Australia and New Zealand who are able to provide virtual discipling and mentoring on a more long term basis than what we are able to do. Let us know if this is something you would like to be involved in.

Roaring Hope has a specific vision of being a brief touch point to support hope and encourage people in their journey. We love partnering with other churches and organisations who can continue to support explorers and help them know hope, find Jesus and build community.

Check out Rony’s story below of what happened when he got connected to a church.


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