Empowering Conversations: Navigating Online Connections with Peace and Purpose

When I met my friend Julie 9 years ago we both had the same shoe size. All but one of my pairs of shoes were a size EU41. I had one pair of boots that were a EU42 and I remember specifically needing to wear thick socks so my feet didn’t slide around in them so much. Last week I was talking with Julie about my shoes, and my comment to her was “My feet must have grown, I’m definitely a 42 now, even some of my 42’s are too small”.

I decided to google if it’s normal for this to happen. The first thing the blog told me, was that I’m not crazy and to relax. “With every step you take, your body absorbs two to three times its weight due to gravity’s unrelenting pull. That takes a toll on your feet — so much so that it actually changes their shape.”

I wear many pairs of shoes, I’m still the same person and I’ll still walk the same path but what my feet are fitted out with will determine how far I can go and who I can mingle with. There have been many times over the years I’ve crammed my feet in shoes that are too small or not fit for the purposes and those shoes have caused me a lot of unnecessary pain. Over the past few years I’ve had to swap out almost all the footwear I own, I’d had to adjust and change to suit the environment and accommodate the change in myself.

Different places require different footwear whether it be, protection, comfort, style, or durability it’s important our feet are equipped, ready, and at peace.

Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:14-15

I’ve had the incredible privilege to learn and adapt, and change style and tactics for the way we talk to Explorers online. One thing that rings loud and clear no matter what, is that peace is the key. Just like my feet, when I’m in the right shoes there won’t be unnecessary pain and I will be able to go the distance.

Please pray with us that our Response Team will be fully at peace as they chat with Explorers and ask questions to help them discover hope and purpose for themselves.

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


How to Navigate Online Conversations With Ease and Keep Your Peace


Mastering the Art of Engaging Conversations: Our Response Team's Tips to Best Practice