Stop Leaving Home Naked!

Image of young adult female showing bare face and shoulders

I remember the day I was in a meeting with a small group of people. We were days away from leaving to go to Jakarta. Our job was to coordinate hundreds of people who were going there to partner with the local churches to reach their city with the good news of salvation through Jesus.

Our leader was careful to explain that we must be hearing from Jesus daily. We were going into a battlefield and it was essential we got personal revelation from God every day.

I’m not sure exactly what clicked in me that day, but something turned and it’s been the best thing ever! The simple decision to make a commitment to read my Bible and pray daily has changed my whole world. Yes, I used to read my Bible (at least every now and then) and yes, I prayed but had I made it an essential part of my daily routine? The simple answer was ‘no’. So, that day back in 2009, was the day everything changed. That change has meant God has been put in front of my life, no longer on the side or back burner. He leads and I listen.

I was reminded the other day about the daily routines that we do, and there’s one everyone does. Everyone puts clothes on before they leave the house.

Just like you put clothes on every day, it’s just as important to hear from God before you start the day. If you don’t hear from God, how do you know what He wants you to do?

It’s time to stop leaving the house naked!

Obviously physically, but also spiritually. What does that look like for me? Every day after I have my shower and put my clothes on, I sit down on a chair and…

  1. I open my Bible and read it. It doesn’t matter what day it is or what delays I’ve had, no matter what I’ve decided to make reading something out of the Bible my priority.

  2. I ask God what He wants to say to me for that day and I write it down. It’s only usually one or two lines, and I do it every day. It’s the best thing ever to read back over what God has said. Sometimes He tells me to go back to a date from years back and read it and wow it is encouraging!

  3. I pray. All throughout the day, I pray. Of course, there are times when I will sit and talk and pray but I make it a daily habit to always be listening and talking to God.

Will you take up the challenge too? Are you hearing from God daily so you know what He wants you to do?

Have you got God on the side or back burner, or are you committed to putting him in front so He’s leading your day? Can you commit to never leaving the house naked again?

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


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