What Are People of No Faith Looking For in Faith Conversations

I was sent a link to this article done by Barna Research this month. I’ve been thinking about it many times since.

The research in the article points out

The top thing people look for in a conversation with a Christian is that they “listen without judgment.” People of no faith are also hoping for honesty about questions and doubts, and they don’t want forced conclusions. The best learning environment, they express, is one marked by care and consideration.

Barna Research - Base: People of no faith

I couldn’t help but think of how many people have been turned off wanting to know anything more about God.

The article has two different graphs done from research in the US and goes on to say

These responses remind us that spiritual conversations can’t be divorced from the relationships in which they can occur. When they go poorly or are simply ineffective, it may not only limit curiosity about Jesus but also hinder connection between the individuals.

We’ve had a few people in our chats lately who are angry, many times when asking questions you get to hear that there is trauma or hurt of some kind. One in particular that comes to mind is a guy whose friend committed suicide. This is an extreme example, however, sadly there are a few extremes out there. His friend came from a home where his parents were Christian, and he shared “He had to escape home at 14 because his father regularly beat him bloody. They used religion as a way to control what he did, when he slept, and where he was allowed to go and do. These are things cults do by the way.”

There was nothing I could say that would console this guy or bring encouragement. I stopped talking to him and spent time asking God to do the restoration and healing. Would you pray with us to see healing and restoration for all the Explorers we connect with?


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