Why Roaring Hope Exists

We live in a technological age where typically young adults spend much of their spare time on social media. Statistics* show that on average an Australian spends 6 hours 13 mins online per day, which is 40% of their waking hours. The average time spent on social media is 1 hour 46 minutes per day.

Through targeted advertising across Australia and New Zealand, we are able to connect with 18-35-year-olds who are struggling with issues, in need of support, or want someone to listen to them. Shareable, thought-provoking content is posted on relevant online platforms to spark interest and invite people to start a private chat with our team of Responders.

We live in a world where people are hurting. Many people feel isolated and alone and have no one to confide in. Some people confess to being surrounded by people yet they have no one to turn to when the going gets tough, while others feel they exist on the fringes of society, barely able to survive. Some present with mental health problems, addiction, or suicidal ideations. Where appropriate we connect them with a supportive community, church, Alpha course, or other mental health support services as required.

Our team of faith-filled Christian Responders are trained to listen and ask questions to discover underlying needs, and to encourage Explorers; supporting hope in their lives. Within minutes, through a private chat, it is not only possible to build a connection with Explorers but to engage in deep, meaningful, and life-changing conversations.  Our Response Team engage in a conversation where no subject is out of bounds, and where the Explorer can know that they can share anything without judgement, or feeling pressured or coerced.

Our Response Team asks questions and gently guides the conversation, often creating the opportunity to invite the Explorers to contemplate faith-related concepts and the hope found in Jesus. It’s our desire to see people happy and thriving.  We believe we were created in the image of God to live an awesome life. We understand that life can be tough sometimes, but we believe that by praying and connecting with others in a caring way, challenges can be overcome and hope restored. We value every person and believe that everyone has the potential to live abundant lives instead of constantly facing difficulties.

Our Response Team needs to have a close relationship and connection with Jesus and to spend time with Him daily. Our value of authenticity must be reflected in every aspect of our lives. Our love and our authority come from the closeness of our intimacy with Jesus and our willingness to be aligned in our words and actions. As the Response Team walks in this authority and is connected with how the Holy Spirit is directing, we know that they will be given the right words to say. As a result, their hearts will grow bigger, they will learn more about themselves, and grow in their own relationship with Jesus.

We believe in the power of prayer, and every person involved in Roaring Hope is an answer to prayer. God has spoken to trust in Him for 625 volunteers and a prayer team that will cover 24/7 prayer and worship. As the team grows and their journey is shared with others around, we believe that like-minded people will choose to get involved and become part of the team.

Through the generous support of donors and volunteers, this service is provided free of charge.

*Hootsuite statistics - Time Spent Online has Increased 10% year on year


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