Words When Articulated and Said in the Right Way Can Change Someone’s Life

I was watching a video the other day, “The Power of Words”. Mohammed Qahtani is a Toastmasters public speaking champion and he gave a compelling speech. It’s worth a listen (click here to access it).

He tells a story of his friend, it’s tragic. He talks of a single sentence ‘that broke the camel’s back’. There were many words and actions prior to this moment however that brought this man to his final conclusion.

Our words have the power to break or to heal. We have the opportunity every day to speak life to people who come to chat with us.

Some are on the brink of despair while others are finding their way through the various situations they find themselves in. I’m so grateful for the many faithful volunteers who have gotten involved in some way to make this possible.

This month we held our 2nd Annual General Meeting and voted Andy Bridge in as a Director. Andy is skilled in marketing and design and has a deep desire to see broken people find hope. We are delighted to have him onboard.

During our recent online prayer meeting, we were asking God to increase our numbers. Something that we talked about and prayed about was that God would help people to see their potential. We need people praying, giving financially, and giving their time to join one of our teams or spreading the word to others you know. Would you pray with us, and ask God “How can I be involved?”

Love Morag and the Roaring Hope team

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


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