Alpha: A Bridge that Connects People to the Church

Connection to a church for many is a huge step to take, but with kind and understanding people to journey with, that step becomes more manageable.

The Alpha course has been a place where we have regularly encouraged our audience to connect. The transition of Alpha moving online has resulted in a more natural progression for our audience to connect. People who have attended Alpha Online, after they came to Christ, have shared with us how much they appreciated Alpha as they have told us things like: “I’ve never understood church before, I actually love that group”; “It’s like a little family, it’s great”; “I loved it”.

Anxiety often stops young people from connecting with others. It can be hard for them to reach out but, behind the security of a screen, relationships can be built to provide them the confidence they need to connect. One young guy who attended Alpha was not confident to turn his camera on for many weeks and would type his responses into the chat feature in Zoom. He’s now been able to talk, and turn his camera on, and has shared with us that this has helped him a lot with his verbal communication. He’s very grateful.

“I have been proved wrong so many times in my life and Alpha online has been one of those occasions. I’ve always said Alpha online won’t work and I could not be more wrong”.

Nicky Gumble, Pioneer of Alpha


Intellectual Arguments and Theological Answers Aren’t Necessary To Bring Change


Loving Extravagantly!