Intellectual Arguments and Theological Answers Aren’t Necessary To Bring Change

Christians often feel they cannot engage in conversation as they don’t know the answers to theological questions or intellectual arguments.

It is not always long, in-depth conversations that move people towards Jesus; as we engage with a person's emotions, the walls that say God doesn't exist or is irrelevant start to come down. This highlights the importance of listening to what people are saying behind the questions or statements they make to enable us to identify with those unspoken needs.

Providing opportunities for our response team members to engage in personal reflection helps them to identify where they can adjust their approach:

“I may have been too preachy, so learning how to ask the right questions and be ok with the process at their pace was something I needed to be constantly reminded of. I can’t change them, only God can.”


Ask leading questions that help to engage with the person's emotions at the start of the conversation. This can quickly reveal where a person is at with God.


The Power of Our Words


Alpha: A Bridge that Connects People to the Church