Are You Using What Is in Your Hand?

I was reading Exodus 4:2 this morning; The LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.” I instantly had a boomerang moment

“Are you using what is in your hand?” 

A number of years ago I was talking to God about my situation, I felt like I didn’t have enough money to progress forward and when I started talking to God about that his answer to me was, “Use what you have”.

Pretty simple really. When I spent the money I had more come, and not only that, it came in abundance. It’s something I need to continue to remember in every area of my life. It’s often when we let go that the blessing and abundance flow.

I shared at FlameTree church this past Sunday giving an overview of Roaring Hope. I’ve included a copy of what was recorded on a livestream. Our small not-for-profit has a big vision. That means we need many people using what is in their hands to make this vision become a reality. I’d love you to watch the video and can I ask you to pray with us to see this happen. 

I appreciate you.

Love Morag and the Roaring Hope team

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


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