How To Create Space To Chat About God

Chatting with individuals online presents its unique set of challenges, particularly in the realm of providing support where building trust and rapport is crucial. One of the main hurdles is establishing a genuine connection through text alone, as nuances in tone and body language are absent. Misinterpretation of messages can also occur, leading to misunderstandings. Despite these challenges, asking open-ended questions, actively listening, and showing empathy can facilitate a sense of comfort and trust. For explorers who are interested in knowing more about God, it’s important to hear their experiences of God and allow them space to reflect and process some of their beliefs.

Here are some questions you can ask that can help people feel comfortable to engage in the conversation and process their beliefs about God:

  • I'd be interested in knowing what you know, would you like to share?

  • Jesus is a great listener and answers in the most amazing ways. Have you tried speaking to Jesus to ask for clarity?

  • Have you ever talked to God before?

  • Have you ever tried talking to God about it?

  • I'm sorry to hear that, could you explain a bit more, is there something in your life you wish was better?

  • If you don't mind me asking, what led you to that conclusion?

  • Jesus is in the business of helping 🙂 I'd be happy to pray with you if you'd like?

  • What are your thoughts about God?

  • Did you know you can talk directly to God? 😊 

Once the conversation is moving forward you want to go with a normal conversation flow and be careful not to bombard with questions. Conversely, a well-worded question can help to bring a conversation back on track. Questions are an important part of the Response Team, they bring direction and also help Explorers to discover Jesus for themselves. They can also help to reignite a chat.

If you would like to know more about chatting with responders online or other opportunities available to help reach Explorers, click below to get in touch.


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