What Are the Barriers That Stop People Coming to Know God?

Behind every question is a person with a unique personality and a unique story. It’s important to, firstly, take time to understand why the question is being asked, while essentially, the end response may be the same, the way we engage in journeying to the answer will always be different.

In a world that’s slowly moving from the modern era to the postmodern era, the way that people react and relate to information and truth about anything, including God and faith, is changing. This is especially evident in Gen Z and Millennials.

While people in the older generations desired facts, information and a scientific, logical argument for most opinions, today, younger people are moving away from that. People are increasingly suspicious of intelligent-sounding arguments that may manipulate people. They do not want to be told what to think and how to act, even if we can give a good argument why.

It can be tempting to provide answers, and it takes patience and effort to engage, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. In the experience of our team:

“Christenese doesn’t cut it! You must relate to people on their terms and never take offence!”

There are four common threads and standout questions that people often ask:

  1. Why do you hate gays? Why does God hate gays?

  2. Is God real? How do you know God is real? God’s not real

  3. If God is good, why is there evil/suffering?

  4. Does God love me?

People need to know God exists and that He loves them. Many of our audience doesn’t know that. There is often the perception that God hates them and is against them. This is where questions are always a good starting point.

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