Engage Online in Creative Ways

A lady looking at the camera smiling as she works on her laptop

There are many creative ways to bring value to people while gaining insight and understanding their needs. An example is a simple quiz that can provide a clear answer and opportunity for further connection.

A short quiz with three true/false questions titled “Does God Love Me?” was advertised across Australia to 18-35 year-olds during the second quarter of 2020. The results revealed that 35% of the audience had never talked to God before, with 58% saying that they have had bad things happen to them and 84% saying they have done things they are not proud of. Of the 1,172 people that completed the quiz all received the simple message: “Yes! God loves you”.

Following the quiz, many explorers requested to talk to a team member and having the answers to those questions upfront gave the team a fantastic starting point to engage in a meaningful conversation. A team member’s reflection on these conversations highlights that we need to not rely on our own strength with these opportunities but rely on God, we need to “learn how to listen with the Holy Spirit, ask good questions, and formulate response language that sounds real and gentle.”

An example of an opening question with someone who has never talked to God before could simply be: “Thanks for taking the quiz. I noticed you’ve not tried talking to God before. Is that something you would like to do with me today?”

This short quiz saw great results with one in four (26%) of those who completed the quiz moving toward God. Of those who moved toward God, 7% made a decision to follow Jesus. The quiz results are below.

When people know they are loved no matter their current position it creates an incredible platform for meaningful conversations. Have you considered being a part of the Response Team?


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