Everyday Young People are Taking Their Lives

Suicide is largely preventable and online conversations are helpful in both early intervention and ongoing support. Simply being someone who can listen, stay with the person, and guide them to the right help can significantly reduce the risk of those people ending their lives.

In our experience, creating space for people to talk is important for those at risk. Statistics from the private conversations with Explorers on the Why God and Who Is Jesus bot FB pages during the eight-month period from 1 January to 31 August 2020 show 4.1% of people that opted to chat with a person, were needing our timely assistance due to suicidal ideation, mental health concern, threats, and homelessness.

There is a unique opportunity to engage with a cross-section of the population through online chat.

When we have provided the opportunity of a private chat and have responded to people’s questions or concerns with kindness and warmth, the safety of their known and familiar environment online can create a great space for people to be open and vulnerable quickly.

Connection with a young person in a time of crisis can be life-changing. It is possible to be instrumental in saving a person’s life, by just taking the time to listen. Using this approach we have had people share with us, “I’ve never had anyone care for me like that before.”


While helplines are an important resource, people often feel scared to reach out. They need encouragement and someone to help them to connect. It’s important to continue talking with them until you know they are safe.

When people know they are loved no matter their current position it creates an incredible platform for meaningful conversations. Have you considered being a part of the Response Team?


The Stories From Our Team “Tell It All”


As You Stay Faithful to God’s Promises the Giants of the Land Will Fall