God Is Faithful and Loves to Honour His Promises

I had never imagined this time six months ago that I would be saying it’s less than 5 weeks to my wedding! On the 19th of May, I opened the door to my house to see my best friend Robin on one knee asking me to marry him. I said ‘yes’!

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17

I’m reminded of God’s faithfulness, that the things He has spoken will not return void. The waiting may be longer than we ever hope or dream of, but we have the assurance that He will never leave and that He plans out the future to strengthen us for the road ahead.

I know there are some very exciting days ahead with Roaring Hope and I’m so grateful that I will be doing this next journey together with my husband.

Thank you again for your partnership, support, encouragement, and prayer.

Love Morag and the Roaring Hope Team

LINK TO THE BACK STORY: When I Met My Husband He Wasn’t Following Jesus

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


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