Have You Ever Thought of Using Your Car as a University?

A group of young adults standing against a wall while holding their phones

Have you ever thought of using your car as a university? Peter Irvine, is a faith-driven entrepreneur and he suggests using your travel time to be taught; and, if you are ever feeling discouraged, he suggests listening to encouraging people. I had a little giggle to myself when he said, “Listen to Joel Osteen because he is one of the most encouraging people I know”. Over this past year, I have taken Peter’s advice.

Last week was a Joel Osteen moment, not that I was discouraged, but I felt the prompt of God to listen to a podcast on the way to work. This is an exert of something Joel said…

“God supernaturally closes doors and it’s always because he has something better in store. So just because you come to a dead-end, just because you tried and it didn't work out, just because you had some rejections from persecution that's not the time to give up! Keep pressing on. I heard somebody say out of our greatest rejection, comes our greatest direction. In other words when you come to a closed-door when something doesn't work out in your life, instead of seeing that as the end, you need to see that as God leading you and guiding you into his best path. Yes, sometimes it's uncomfortable, sometimes we may not like it, but we cannot make the mistake of just sitting back and settling where we are.”

It’s been over a year now since the decision was made to stop the Why God project at CV (Christian Vision). This week we have just signed and completed the transfer of the social media platforms from CV (Christian Vision) over to Roaring Hope! This has been a closing door moment that has opened into something much more than I could have ever imagined, and it’s only just the beginning.

This year I am sure there have been many challenges for you, maybe some dead ends, rejection, persecution, and more, but remember that God is the God of miracles, and He opens doors.

May this Christmas season be one of rest, reflection, joy, encouragement, and some special times with friends and family.

For many years God has spoken to me and directed me through this scripture

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15

I made a video earlier in the year and I’d like to share that with you now.

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


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