How Do I Start a Conversation About God?

There can be a misguided perception that people are not interested in talking about God and faith. We’ve found the opposite to be true.

When people know you are interested in them, rapport can be built within the first few interactions. Engaging with people in an environment they are already comfortable with and over a screen means that often a complete stranger can trust you much quicker than any face-to-face interaction could achieve.

It’s not unusual for someone to tell us, “I’ve never told anyone this before”.

Our top three questions to help people engage in conversations about God and faith are:

  1. Can I ask if you’ve ever tried talking to God before?

  2. If you could ask God to do one thing for you what would it be?

  3. Can I ask what your experience of God has been?

We provide training for everyone that joins our response team. Chatting with people online by typing back and forth in a private message is a great way to practice sharing your faith and you will find you will grow in your faith too.


But God!


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