In Our Experience, Christians Are Too Quick to Give Answers

Two young adult ladies sitting at a table looking at a laptop

It may seem counterintuitive not to answer a question someone has asked, however, a simple acknowledgement of what they have said helps people to feel valued, heard, and listened to.

By asking them a question instead of providing the answer you can explore further what is behind their comment or question.

Our team has experienced the joy of people opening up to them after they have taken the time to listen:

“I have learnt that people do appreciate you answering their questions, it builds up their trust. You can go deeper with them and they will often share things with you that they say they haven’t shared before. So I feel privileged that they trust me to do this.”

Three tips for engaging in a conversation online:

  1. Give a friendly welcome regardless of how open or closed they appear.

  2. Thank them for either: a) sharing their thoughts, b) asking their question or, c) saying hi.

  3. Ask them a short question that relates to what they have said so you can gain understanding.

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