Can You Actually Have a Meaningful Connection Online?

Two ladies looking at a phone

Within minutes through a private chat on Facebook Messenger, it is not only possible to build a connection with people but to engage in deep, meaningful, and life-changing conversations.

Some would say that social media disconnects people and that it’s important to be face-to-face to engage in a meaningful conversation. While there is truth to this, we have also found online conversations on social media to be incredibly effective and meaningful.

29% of our audience that has engaged with our chatbot and our team have made a significant move toward God.

Through the conversation, those that have moved toward God have had an opportunity to hear the gospel, to pray or be prayed for, or are choosing to make further steps to discover more about Jesus. As we have helped our audience talk to God it’s not uncommon for those people to tell us they have never prayed before.

One in four (24%) of those who have made a significant move toward God have in fact made a commitment to personally follow Jesus. Of those who have chosen to follow Jesus, 28% have also been connected to a church with our help.

Have you ever considered being part of an online team that impacts people in this way?


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