Making a Good Conversation Flow

When analysing thousands of ‘Why God’ conversations it became noticeable that those conversations that stood out, to be what’s called ‘quality conversations’,  had one overriding factor. An abundance of love.

The quality of conversation shone through in our love for the Explorer. We had someone review our conversations and they said, “Over and above any talk of Jesus, challenging their views or anything else, your love for the Explorer could be felt in your responses. This love is the perfect example of ‘Christ in action’.”

Christ in action is so tangible it can be felt through the airwaves. Sharing about the gospel in a secular society is challenging. Thankfully we have Jesus as our mentor. Jesus went to those in need of good news. He went to the one in the tree (Luke 19:1-10). He never shared the gospel with accusation or judgement. He approached people with kindness, compassion, grace, and mercy. He was just loving.


Mastering the Art of Engaging Conversations: Our Response Team's Tips to Best Practice


You Are an Incredible Person, and God Never Gives up on You