You Are an Incredible Person, and God Never Gives up on You

A few weeks ago I saw a friend post something really raw and personal on their Facebook profile. They spoke of how they were ready to give up on God and in some ways on life. Her words were, “Show me how you actually got out of the tough situations you’ve been in”. She’s doing it tough, she has a network of friends reaching out to her, and it’s nice to see so many care.

Recently I’ve noticed the number of people doing it tough and trying to make sense of their own struggles, that contact us via Why God. There is one precious person that comes to mind who freaked out just after opening up about her struggles with mental illness and drug use, thinking we might be undercover cops. She feels like God hates her and is annoyed with her, and she is not at the point yet where she can talk more about what’s going on for her. I was so encouraged today to read the latest response from one of our fantastic team members who replied;

“Thank you for such honesty. You sound like an incredible person. God will never give up on you. The enemy likes for us to think that God would be annoyed with us. Can I share, if we were all wonderful and never stuffed up, God wouldn't have had to send Jesus. Jesus came because God knew we could never live up to the way He wants for us. But when we give our lives to Jesus we become new creations. God looks at you like He looks at Jesus. And He loves you as He loves Jesus. He doesn't see the mistakes, He sees the beauty.”

We all need people to believe in us, to spur us on, and to think the best of us. This is a reminder for you today, ‘You are an incredible person, and God never gives up on you’ - pass it on 😀

Love Morag and the Roaring Hope team

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


Making a Good Conversation Flow


What Would You Have Done Without a Helping Hand in Your Life?