Persistence Pays Off - Steve’s Story

Persistence Pays Off —Steve’s Story

Have you ever found yourself getting really discouraged because there seems to be no change in the friend you’ve been praying for? Perhaps they are getting farther away from God than closer to Him. Have you ever allowed your mind to go down the track that your friend is too hard to reach?

If the answer is ‘yes’, this article is for you! If the answer is ‘no’ don’t switch off, this is for you too, because either way, I’m sure you’ll be encouraged.

Steve shared his story of faith with us:

“My life had been spiralling downhill over the past five years, constantly assuming this has to be rock bottom, only to find out I had further to fall. Medication, alcohol, drugs, police cells, courts, being locked in secure facilities were all too common. The majority of the time feeling depressed and suicidal, life ahead was not looking that promising.

Natalie, a friend with a strong Christian faith, has for a number of years, tried constantly to guide me in a different direction, onto the path of God. Even though my lifestyle caused her concern, and was certainly not what she wanted for me, she continued without judgement; asking me to attend church with herself and her husband, praying, assuring me that “God loves me” and that “God has a plan for my life” and that “God will never let me down”.

At every opportunity, Natalie was wanting me to give my life to God in order for Him to take control and make changes.

I made the decision to at least seriously think about what Natalie was guiding me towards. Here was a person that truly wanted me to experience all the wonderful things God has and continues to provide in her life, through her faith. She showed me that this was available to anyone by genuinely asking God to come into their life.

Within a few days I had written a personal prayer asking God to take control of my life, admitting I was a sinner, asking for forgiveness, and requesting His help on a few personal things that had been holding me back.

Within an extremely short period of time, God had started remoulding my life. I felt contentment, and at peace with myself, gone were the feelings of suicide that had hindered me for such a long time. A heavy withdrawal from stopping several medications at once had gone within 24 hours. The feeling that I’m again participating in life and not a spectator is very encouraging, but most importantly knowing God has a plan for my life and will protect me, is extremely exciting.

An amazing gift given by a wonderful Christian friend, who refused to give up. Time, effort, patience along with the knowledge of a God who can heal and remould, has placed me back on the right path.

God had chosen her and worked through her to guide me and work through one of the darkest places that I will never go back to.” — Steve

When Steve told Natalie about his decision to follow Jesus, her response to Steve was, “I was never going to give up on you, nor was Jesus.”

How about you? What friends do you have that you need to pursue?


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