When You Say Yes To Something, You Say No to Something Else

Prior to getting married, Robin and I decided that we wanted to invest time into pre-marriage counselling. It’s something we both took seriously, and both really enjoyed. On our first week, we both wrote lists of what we would like our marriage to look like, what we would like to put into it and what we expected of each other.

After about 10 minutes of writing the first thoughts that came to mind, we read out our lists to each other. It was refreshing to see that our lists were so complimentary, and we wanted the same things. Aside from the general day-to-day running of our house, our work and friends we both had ambitions where we looked beyond ourselves to help others. It was evident to us that we would both need to be very deliberate about what we put our hands to. Our counsellors Chris and Gretchen shared some very simple yet wise words that have stuck with us and that we repeat to each other often.

When you say “yes” to something, you say “no” to something else

In the journey we are on as a couple, we find ourselves taking time to regularly evaluate what we are putting our hands to and what we are putting on the shelf. Without priorities, and being deliberate about our commitments the weeks, months and years could go by without making the progress we dream of.

God promises that he has plans for us that are good. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God also tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6 to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths”.

God has got you, and He will help you to decide what to say yes to when you ask Him.

Love Morag and the Roaring Hope team

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


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