Why Do We Target the Online Space?

Often referred to as ‘digital natives’, the 18 to 34-year-old age group is at the forefront of engaging with the internet across almost all facets of their lives. Young people have spent their formative years online, growing up alongside the internet as it has evolved from the days of dial-up access. At Roaring Hope, we feel that our ministry is to specifically reach young people in Australia and New Zealand in the digital online space. Let’s take a moment to get to know the daily digital lives of young people in Australia

(data below sourced from Australian Communications and Media Authority).

Social networking sites or apps

When looking at social networking sites or apps, young people are more likely than older groups to use social networking sites or apps and to use a greater range of them.


Young people also turn to the internet for entertainment. They are overwhelmingly choosing online subscription services and viewing platforms over traditional TV and are heavy users of music streaming services. While spending a similar amount of time watching video content, younger people were significantly more likely than older groups to spend time viewing online videos (78% vs 43% of those aged 35+ years), rather than free-to-air (FTA) or subscription TV channels.

With young people spending an increased amount of time online, it can be viewed as an opportunity to provide them value-giving content and engage with them to support them in their journey of finding hope.

Reliance on digital technology

As for most people, the restrictions brought about during the pandemic led young people to rely more heavily on digital technologies across many aspects of life. Those aged 18 to 34 were more likely than older groups to study online, and to adopt new technologies and platforms over this period.

We live in a digital era that is rapidly accelerating, particularly for younger adults. If you have skills in media, marketing, and digital development, take a moment to consider your footprint and how you would like to influence that space. We are looking for people with digital skills to join our team and would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us if you have any ideas or would like to learn more about joining our team.

Anna Page

Anna has been a large contributor toward helping to build Roaring Hope from its onset including coordinating a team of Responders to social media and administrative help. She is passionate about seeing lives changed in a personal, circumstantial and spiritual way.


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