I’m Convinced: Your Availability and Friendship Can Save A Life

Last weekend I was on the phone to police. A young man had told me he was going to end his life and do it now.

Our story below👇 is of another man from a week prior to that. Something that’s not told in this story is how a friend of mine helped. Liam* needed support and people around him to listen. My friend said ‘yes’ to my request to help, meeting him over a hot chocolate. I know that connection made a huge difference to the story.

People need people, we were not created to do life alone

It’s common for us to hear Explorers say to us things like; “I have no-one”, “They yelled at me”, “They told me God doesn’t make mistakes”, and all along these people are crying out for relationship, friendship and someone to ask questions and hear their story without all the suggestions.

Can I encourage you to watch the short yet powerful video on how to help someone who is suicidal? It gives simple and effective tools for talking with anyone who is struggling 👇

A Miracle Happened After Praying

Liam had already told us his suicide plan. He had been talking to Lifeline over several days, and he told us it wasn’t helping. While talking to him the police were calling as Lifeline had put out an emergency call. He didn’t answer his phone.
Responder: “Could we try talking to God together about how you feel, just be really honest with him. I could type out something for you to say”
Explorer: “How will he respond? I prayed for 2 weeks now, all I feel is pain”
Responder: “Let's give it a go together would that be ok”
Explorer: “I know he can't remove my pain like that, he is giving me the opportunity to be strong. But if that means living on the street I doubt his plan with me….. Lets try….”

Then a miracle unfolded…

"After I prayed the words you sent (I was crying while doing it) suddenly 2 minutes after I felt calm, I'm still worried but calm. Do you think god is helping me right now?"

Our team member stayed chatting with him that day for nearly 3 hours. After the initial prayer Liam made a decision to follow Jesus.  He went to bed that night exhausted but safe. The following day some miraculous events happened and everything that had been a concern for Liam dissipated. He was so grateful and so are we. He is alive and well!
*Name changed

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


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