Engage With Emotions and Ask Questions That Matter

A young adult sitting at a table looking at his laptop

Posting content that helps people to engage with their emotions or asking questions that help people to express themselves brings a greater openness for people to talk and affect how an individual starts a conversation.

In 2017, we adjusted our approach and created content that engaged people's emotions and asked questions. This change of approach saw a reduction in those closed to talking about God.

Of the 2,187 conversations, people closed to talking reduced from 33% in 2016 to 22%.

The blockers also moved significantly with the ‘intellectual blocker’ reducing to 22% and ‘God’s irrelevant’ reducing to 17% of the audience. The ‘personal blocker’, however, increased to 37%. The church's behaviour and other religious blockers remained low.

This highlights how a simple change to our approach by including more questions and creating video content to focus more on personal stories rather than opinions has influenced people’s openness to engage.


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