FAQ: How Do I Personally Share My Faith on Social Media?

Young person sitting with phone and open Bible in their lap

Am I meant to make 1 in 4 of my posts a Bible verse, an image of Jesus, or a photo of me sitting in a church service while reading my Bible? Heck no! In fact, it may be best to have none of that!

You are not called to follow a formula, you are called to be a carrier of the good news of Jesus. It is plain and simple. The question is, do your social media accounts reflect that?

Before looking at HOW to personally share faith on social media, it’s key to take into account WHAT you post and WHY you post it. As an example, take a look at your last 10 posts, or think through the last 10 comments you made.

Do they line up with the God of the Bible, and do your posts reflect that in;

  • What you did?

  • What you said?

  • How you acted?

If so, great! If not, use this as an opportunity to learn, reflect and change how you engage online.

When God is misrepresented, it turns people away from Jesus.

Sharing your faith on social media is not about;

  • How many posts you have that talk about Jesus

  • How many funny memes you have, or

  • How many thoughtful quotes you write

It’s simply about living your life in a way that is pleasing to God and reflecting Him in all that you do, including what you post online.

A great way to measure how you are going with that is to take the ‘Love Test’ — you can take it here

Where are my opportunities?
There are endless opportunities in our everyday life to share Jesus. He is too good not to share! Why not take some time to consider some opportunities? Start with the people in your world right now that you can share your life with.


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