Finding Purpose Beyond Sight - Shannyn’s story

In a world where vision often defines our paths, I hope to stand as inspiration, proving that purpose knows no bounds, not even when faced with ‘impossible’ situations.

In 2018, I received daunting news: I was diagnosed as 80% blind due to a degenerative eye condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa. I was promptly informed that the prognosis indicated likely complete blindness. Several weeks later, I said goodbye to my driving license and my thriving cleaning business which spanned across the Sunshine Coast. Since then, it has been quite the journey marked with many highs and debilitating lows. Even during those dreadful times, I found a tangible and constant, completely unexplainable peace that I knew wholeheartedly that only God Almighty could have provided and continues to provide.

In 2022, while at my local church, I was given details to contact a lady called Morag, the founder of Roaring Hope, which was a possible opportunity for me to volunteer in several ways. On meeting Morag, I soon came to see that she had a boundless passion, optimism, and drive for spreading hope and purpose through social media platforms. This meeting opened doors to volunteering opportunities and, ironically, my dearest and deepest passions; God (and His mission), administration and small business. Little did I know that this initial contact would mark the beginning of a chapter in my life that I didn’t even know I needed. 

For me, volunteering at Roaring Hope wasn't just about lending a helping hand; it became a source of passion, purpose, and fulfilment. Despite my diminishing sight, I found clarity in more ways than one through the roles I contributed to as part of the administrative team.  It’s been two years now and I don’t just feel like I contribute, I feel like I have become part of a family that shares Roaring Hope’s heart for humanity.

Today, I face the reality of being 90% blind, yet I can confidently say that I am in the best place that I have been in my life in years. I have God’s help, a place where I know my gifts can flourish and my passion is ignited, and a place where I’m connected to a loving and supportive team. I may not know exactly what the future holds for me, but I can be certain of one thing: my commitment to serving others knows no bounds and I refuse to let go of God's purposes in my life and the gifts He has given me. With faith as my compass, my obstacles have become my opportunities.

And all the world go free
Now there's a cross for everyone
And there's a cross for me

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in his wonderful face
And the things of earth
Will grow strangely dim
In the light of his wonderful face

Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee

Elvis Presley

Shannyn volunteers her time to Roaring Hope, she calls herself the liquorice allsort 😁 - her roles involve administration, social media, content creation and she also heads up our prayer team. If you would like to contribute to see Roaring Hope grow, we’d love you to consider joining our team, find out more by clicking the link below👇

Shannyn Wiggins

Shannyn volunteers her time to Roaring Hope, she calls herself the liquorice allsort 😁 - her roles involve administration, social media, content creation and she also heads up our prayer team.


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