Have You Had Someone Tell You That You’re the Kindest Person They’ve Ever Met?

We are excited about all that 2023 holds! Our Response team is growing, and we look forward to having some exciting connections this year.

Have you had times in your life where you’ve felt your support system crumbling and just need someone to talk it through with?

When people show love, attention, and care, or offer a listening ear, it’s like throwing a lifeline. My friend was out shopping prior to Christmas and shared this beautiful story with me, so I’m passing it on 😀

“In a store earlier this afternoon I had a young mum begin to pour out her heart to me. I guess I was there at the right moment as she suddenly offloaded her story. She’s in the midst of separating from her husband and has two young children. So it’s been a very difficult season and a difficult year for her. She finds herself living with her children at a cousin’s house and that relationship is starting to be strained, where after a tense conversation this morning she had obviously been thinking about it throughout her day. She just needed to talk and have someone listen. We had a good conversation and after a little while I was able to ask if I could pray for her. She gratefully received prayer and began crying, so I even got to hug her (as I cried with her!).  She said that was the kindest thing anyone has done for her in a long while and thanked me for listening. It was such a precious moment of being able to share God’s love and tell her she’s not alone in her journey.”

So just as this can happen in a department store, I believe it happens in an even greater measure in the online space. Many of our explorers find it a much easier space to open up, and any barriers that can feel awkward such as looking at someone in the face are removed. It’s not unusual for an explorer to comment on our kindness.

Just as my friend shared the emotion she felt when praying, we too see Explorers’ lives changed, and it changes ours too.

We trust you have had an encouraging start to the New Year, we are looking forward to seeing multiplication this year 😀.

Love Morag and the Roaring Hope team

Morag Cheshire

Morag is the founder and CEO of Roaring Hope.
I'm passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I love storytelling to bring a fun, practical, and “can do” approach to offer unique and key insights to help people feel confident about sharing their faith.


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