Two Whys To Every What

Often young people will need two whys to every what

  1. Why should I believe that is true? (What are you basing that on?)

  2. Why should I care? (Why does that matter to me?)

Here are some tips we give our Response Team

Take time to share with an Explorer at their pace and make the discussion conversational. When it comes to discussing God, rather than knowing that God exists they want to know;

  1. Why is God good for me?

  2. What difference will He make in my life?

Take time to ask questions and connect at a heart level. While the intellectual discussion is helpful for some people, it still comes back to the matters of the heart that bring the connection to God. 

  • How does that make you feel?

  • How do you feel about that?

  • What thoughts does that bring up for you right now?

  • How did that affect you?

We don’t need to be embarrassed about our worldview. Here are 3 reasons that describe the world accurately with a Christian worldview.

A beginning - the world appears to be designed even if you deny a designer. People that deny God will still feel that they can explain space, time, and matter.

Holds up to scrutiny - God is more than a simple set of wisdom statements or wise sayings. There is evidence historically for Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection, and events recorded in scripture can be cross-examined with actual events.

Provides a solution - Every worldview tries to answer important questions. Christianity identifies the problem as our consistent bad behaviour towards sin, which is a sin problem. There is more than just being good, every other religion is works based. We have no ability to be consistently good. God can eliminate moral imperfection. We have someone (Jesus) to stand in our place and He recognises our ability to consistently perform. Christianity offers hope and a solution to our dilemma.


Have You Had Someone Tell You That You’re the Kindest Person They’ve Ever Met?


FAQ: How Do I Help Someone That Doesn’t Think God Is There for Them?