Questions to Ask to Progress a Conversation

It’s always better to hear the honest truth of people’s opinions rather than just telling them your own opinion. To gain an understanding of how people feel about God, there are some open questions that can be helpful to ask.

  • Have you ever tried talking to God?

  • What’s been your experience of God?

  • Do you have any questions about God and faith?

  • Would you like to share some of your thoughts about this?

  • Was there ever a time when you believed in God?

  • Can you unpack that for me?

  • I'm not sure I understand, can you explain that in another way?

  • Have you ever talked to God about that?

  • What are your thoughts about Jesus?

  • Has there been a time when you thought God was trying to get your attention?

  • Is that something you might like to hear more about?

  • Has God done something to upset you?

Give it a go and we’d love to hear from you about how it went or any other questions you’ve found helpful to ask.


What Would You Have Done Without a Helping Hand in Your Life?


Life and Death Are in the Power of the Tongue