Updates From Further Along The Journey

When people connect with us on our Why God FB page, we have a specific calling to provide brief encouragement and support to people as they live out the ups and downs of life. We know that some people need more than the brief support we can offer which is why we partner with people like Kevin, who provides virtual connection and discipleship for those who need it.

Kevin will read the bible with people, have phone calls, pray for people and be guided by God in how to encourage people.

Here is a brief update from Kevin about three of the explorers that came through Why God that he is now discipling and encouraging.

1. Ryan*
”Had another hour with him. Told lots of stories of Gods guidance and he wanted to unpack them. His mind lives in a lot of fear so he noted 4 things at the end of the call that he could put into practice to help combat fear and anxiety. Good phone call all round.”

2. Clint*
”He gets out of the mental health ward tomorrow, so excited and grateful for my support. I’ll be sharing a scripture each day and texting. He’s signed up for Salvation Army rehab for three days and quoted the scripture to me today that I gave him two days ago.”

3. Zac*
”Did my second DBS (Discovery Bible Study) with him tonight on the great commission. He has a strong faith, watches YouTube evangelists and reads creation stuff. Parents seem to have lost their faith. He is having some wins now with temptation and wants to share Jesus online three times this week. Took him through the three circles video.”
*names changed for privacy

It’s exciting to hear these stories of growth and we praise God for the work he is doing bringing breakthroughs in people’s lives. We are so grateful to Kevin and others who take the time to connect personally with our explorers who need that longer-term support. If you feel that this is something you would be interested in doing, please let us know and we can provide more information and discuss what that would look like.


Be Grateful for the People in Your Life