While Millions Are Connected Online, People Are Not Connected to the Church

Roaring Hope aims to become a known place throughout Australia and New Zealand where young adults have somewhere they know they can go on a 24/7 basis for conversation to be listened to, loved, and not judged.

Many Aussies and Kiwis have little to no engagement with Christians or the Church. In fact, one in four Kiwis (25%) and one in five Aussies (21%) know less than two Christians.

Similarly, one in five Kiwis (22%) and Aussies (18%) know nothing at all about the Church in New Zealand or Australia respectively, whilst three in five Kiwis (60%) and Aussies (60%), know a little or a moderate amount.

Currently churches are still largely focused around physical buildings and communities. While churches do have an online presence, there is a fresh opportunity and need for churches to broaden their reach and provide a safe space online for young people to engage and ask questions.

Members of our response team, who have never considered this online opportunity, are often blown away by how open people are to talk:

“Even though they are all strangers and everyone is very different it wasn’t too hard to figure out how to connect well. There’s no way I could talk to such a variety of people and have so many meaningful conversations if I wasn’t online.”


From Quick Fixes to True Healing: Unmasking the Struggles Christians Face


Welcome to the New Year! Let’s celebrate!